Specialists in Infant and Toddler Development
Welcome to Child and Family Connections #24
Congratulations on taking your first step into exploring the Early Intervention system in Illinois. Early Intervention is a system of services for infants and toddlers from birth to three who have developmental delays or disabilities or who are at risk for developmental delays. Early Intervention offers a variety of services that are individualized according to the needs of each child. Receiving services as early as possible helps children catch up and increases their chances for success in school and life.
Referrals to Child and Family Connections can be made by a family member, doctors, or anyone who is concerned about the development of a child. Evaluations to determine eligibility are provided at no cost to the family.
To make a referral, contact Child and Family Connections #24 at 618-529-3147 and a CFC staff member will ask you to provide contact information for the family as well as basic demographic information for the child. You will be able to share any concerns you have regarding the child's development. CFC staff will be happy to answer any questions you have regarding the Early Intervention Program.