Specialists in Infant and Toddler Development
Developmental Milestones

Birth to 3 Months
I begin to smile & track people & objects with my eyes
I prefer to look at faces & bright colors
I reach, and discover my hands and feet
I can lift my head and turn toward sound
I cry, but will feel better when you hold and comfort me
4 to 6 Months
I smile often. I'll even laugh, gurgle & imitate sounds.
I learn about my body, exploring my hands & feet. I think they are a part of me!
I can sit up when you prop me
I like to roll over, scoot & bounce.
I can grasp things without using my thumb, & like to put things in my mouth.

7 to 12 Months
I remember simple events and familiar voices and identify myself in the mirror
I understand my name & other words you use a lot
I can say my first words
I like to explore, & bang & shake objects
I can find hidden toys & put things in containers.
I can sit up all by myself
I creep & can pull myself up to stand & walk
1 to 2 Years
I like to imitate what adults are doing & help you with tasks.
I can talk now & understand words & ideas.
I like stories & experimenting with things.
I can walk, climb stairs & run.
I show you my independence, but am more comfortable with people I know.
I recognize that toys & stuff are mine.
I'm proud of the things I can do & can solve simple problems.
I have some friends & am starting to play make believe.

2 to 3 1/2 Years
I like to learn new things.
I can learn new words really fast now.
I always like to be on the go.
I have better control of my hands and fingers.
I get frustrated easily.
I act more independent, but I still depend on you.
I like to act out familiar scenes when I play.